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Sofie Saller (°1972) has been diving professionaly into artistic research in the performing arts. She created various performances and some short movies also. Furthermore, she's collaborated with very inspiring artists including: Teatro de los Sentidos/Enrique Vargas, Roos Van Geffen, Dries Verhoeven, Fieldworks, Maria-Clara Villa Lobos, Jean-Marie Oriot, Sara Dykmans and Vincent Glowinski. She continues teaching masterclasses amongs others, currently in LUCA/Drama and at the Lemmensinstituut.

Sofie was awarded with a scholarship at the Internationale Tanzwochen Wien and from the Belgische Stichting Roeping (now Vocatio).

In her work, she emphasizes on sharing experiences which often include different arts disciplines and work which isn't necessarily connected to the classical stage.

She tries to open new doors by searching for a good question. Metaphors, memories, good stories and physical experiences are some of her most important sources in work.





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